We hechten veel belang aan de gerichte ontwikkeling van de vaardigheden van onze werknemers in alle fasen van hun loopbaan. Daarom bieden we uitgebreide ondersteuning, van het begeleiden van jonge mensen tijdens hun opleiding tot het bevorderen van vaardigheden door middel van certificeringsmogelijkheden tijdens hun hele loopbaan.
We bieden tal van instroommogelijkheden voor onze jonge talenten. Deze omvatten stages als industrieel bediende en mechatronica-ingenieur, evenals stageprogramma's en duale opleidingen. We bieden ook werkstudentenposities aan. Het is ook mogelijk om een scriptie te schrijven in samenwerking met ons bedrijf.
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This Graduate Program enables young graduates to become familiar with the company and its various specialised professions, to work collaboratively on projects and receive tutoring from highly experienced in-house staff for the duration of their contract. This provides them with enhanced insight into the company and helps them to decide on their future career, an approach which also contributes to retaining talent.
The young people on this program also have the opportunity to :
- acquire a broad overview of the company.
- build their network.
- work with a team.
- learn quickly.
- demonstrate their abilities to deal with major challenges.
- pursue their training.
It also enables the company to attract young people to a less attractive employment sector, and to contribute to the creation of a talent pool in anticipation of the future.

RESOPAL ondersteunt professionele ontwikkeling in alle fasen van uw carrière. We bieden uitgebreide ondersteuning voor bijscholing en studieprogramma's, waaronder kwalificaties van de Kamer van Koophandel en Industrie, meesters in vakmanschap, technici en bachelor- en masterdiploma's. Onze werknemers hebben toegang tot regelmatige trainingsprogramma's, waaronder externe seminars, interne taalcursussen, MS Office-cursussen en lean workshops.
Eens per jaar voeren we een talent review uit om gerichte ontwikkelingsmogelijkheden aan te bieden. Managers en HR Business Partners beoordelen samen het ontwikkelingspotentieel van onze medewerkers. Op basis hiervan ontwikkelen we programma's op maat die hen voorbereiden op hun volgende carrièrestappen.

The number of apprentices recruited on our sites since 2018.
Trade, Maintenance, Marketing, Method, Quality, Supply Chain, Design Office.
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Apprenticeship is a growing trend in all business sectors in France and represents a real opportunity for young people to enter the labour market and acquire solid professional experience in parallel to their studies.
We recruit through apprenticeship whenever the need for staffing a team arises, provided that the conditions for recruitment are secured. For us, hiring through apprenticeship is not simply a legal obligation but a genuine recruitment choice. Certain departments, such as maintenance, IT, or marketing, are particularly suited to apprenticeship. The level of study ranges from technical high school to engineer.
The objective for the apprentice is to acquire skills and boost their personal development throughout their training period. For this initial in-company experience, the aim is to foster young people’s desire to exercise the profession they have been trained for and, ideally, to provide them with a future prospect within the company. It is thus crucial for us to ensure upstream our ability to welcome apprentices in suitable conditions (expertise and availability of the tutor, working conditions, etc.).
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